Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Two things of note.

1) I've missed the last 3 weeks of LOST. I have some serious catching up to do, but I'm way too tired to stay up and watch old episodes on the computer.

2) Andy and I just had a conversation that wasn't about babies or houses. Incredible! We discussed the difference between mono and stereo recordings. It was riveting.


Deirdre said...

What a coincidence. I've missed the last 3 weeks of LOST too. I sort of LOST interest, though. I can never keep up with all the weird stuff when there is a week between episodes. I think I'll wait til it comes out on DVD and I can spend a whole weekend watching the season (can you tell I have no kids and no house under construction? :)

Looking forward to seeing you guys and the new house saturday!

Craig Dick said...

L, thanks for all the GREAT photos and the mention on the blog