Thursday, March 27, 2008

since Kerri asked

That's me on March 12 at a local Mexican restaurant where my co-workers threw a baby shower for me. It was great! I think that's the best recent picture... and I've only ballooned a little more since then. I've gained about 35 pounds so far, and Cleo is supposed to gain another 1/2 pound a week until she's born. Oof!

We have appointments with our old OB practice and Cleo's pediatrician today, and an appointment with our new OB practice tomorrow. (Cleo's pediatrician, by the way, was also Andy's pediatrician. We think it's neat that he's still practicing in the area.) More blogging tomorrow afternoon...


Elizabeth said...

You are looking fantastic!

janessa said...

3 things:
1) I might have heard a rumor that things are happening! If so, congrats!!!
2) You do look great!!
3) lol, I've already gained over 30 lbs! You say 'oof' to you... I say 'OOF' to me! ;)