Tuesday, April 1, 2008

terrible April Fool's Day joke

Saying your going into labor when you're really not is only funny to some. I promise to not joke about it again, but really, how often does the opportunity present itself?

Well, yesterday was our deadline to deliver with the old practice, and obviously, we missed it. I'm a little bummed, but not really. I'm rolling with Cleo's punches, and as long as she decides to come out before April 25, it's all good.

I just posted this entry, and then felt the need to amend it after looking at the disturbingly quiet floating baby in the widget at the top right of our blog. That is not representative of what Cleo is like at all. Cleo would be filling the whole circle with her head way at the bottom, not floating around. Then, every once in awhile, she would send a limb jabbing outward, pushing on the edge of the circle and distorting it into other shapes. And she would get hiccups, too. That's fun and annoying at the same time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hee hee hee. But as you know, I have a different sense of humor!

You're right about not having the opportunity to joke about going into labor on April 1st -- you gotta take advantage of these situations!

Hope Mommy, Daddy and baby Cleo are well. xoxo Teresa (or T-Poodle as I like to say these days).