Tuesday, February 20, 2007

new refined plans

Well, I met with DJ on Valentine's Day to discuss the changes that needed to be made to the original plans he had drafted. It seemed like there were a lot of little changes, but it wasn't too bad. (Especially in comparison to a recent nightmare of a project he had started.) When we were done, I was thrilled. I could hardly contain myself as I drove back to Arcata from Eureka. The little changes had created a space that I absolutely loved. I can hardly wait to see the refined drawings!

Once he e-mails the refined drawings, he said I should take them to our chosen contractor and have him do an estimate. This is really frightening, because this is where fun drawings meet dollars and cents. But it also means things are getting closer to becoming real and tangible. I promise to post the new refined plans once they arrive. :)

1 comment:

Matthew Baker said...

I am SO freaking excited for you guys! How awesome it must be to make some progress. I can't wait to see the new plans!