Saturday, February 23, 2008

what we are up to: waiting.

Waiting for baby... Things are going well. We've been taking belly pictures throughout the pregnancy, and I've used Photoshop to show the growth. The above picture includes photos from weeks 6.5, 16, 25, 28.5, and 33. Cleo is very active, but there are times when I forget that I'm pregnant. I know that may sound silly since I'm so much bigger than my non-pregnant self, I don't get it either. I guess it's just when I'm lying down and totally relaxed... then I move and, oh yeah, everything is more awkward and achy than usual.

I had a check-up on Thursday and the midwife did a quick in-office ultrasound to determine Cleo's position. She had been lying from side to side for a couple of months, but a couple of weeks ago, I noticed a change. She had definitely rearranged herself to be up and down. So, the midwife first checked by poking around on the outside of my belly, but she felt hard and round near the top of my belly, and hard and round at the bottom. That's why the ultrasound was necessary - she needs to be head-down by this point, but we just couldn't tell for sure. I had a hunch that she was head down, and the midwife thought she might be butt-down. The ultrasound determined that she's beautifully head-down. Yay! I got to see the little fists that have been punching me for months, too. As far as I know, she's perfect. :)

And more waiting with the house... We're still waiting for any kind of word about the lot split. A few weeks ago we were told that the lot split should be complete in a few weeks. Yeah, well... We're also waiting for the final plans to be completed. You know, with all of the technical stuff put in there and the engineering stuff, too. We've decided to leave the printing studio off of the house for now because of the financial constraints, and also because I don't think I'll be ready to print again for several years. (Babies have a way of putting other things on hold.)

So yeah, we continue to twiddle our thumbs and wait.


Z said...

Looking good! We wait along side...

Matthew Baker said...

You look AMAZING. Pregnancy looks good on you! Wish we lived near one another so we could celebrate the bellies together!